You know there's supposed to be more to the Christian life than what you are experiencing.
And you really want MORE!
I know. You are sick of experiencing that all too familiar feeling of wondering why you sometimes can't get your "act together" despite the fact that you have been walking with the Lord for some time.
What if that could become a thing of the past?
What if you could end that roller coaster ride of highs and lows ... of feeling close one day and then feeling far away from the Lord the next? What if you could discover Jesus in a NEW way so that you were able to engage with Him in a way where life in Christ really made sense?
Most Christians come to Christ is with a motivation of: "Help! I want to be saved from my messed up life."
Jesus definitely DOES respond to this heart cry, but there comes a time when that motivation needs a tune up!
Actually, it needs more than a tune up. It needs an overhaul. To do that, we need to revisit the message of the Gospel for "it is the power of God" unto ALL aspects of our salvation.
Jesus' message is supposed to be a revolutionary message. Listen to this 35 second video clip from "The Chosen."
The Gospel always leads us (or is supposed to lead us) to living in accord with HIS Kingdom. Jesus said that we will find our life when we lose it. Losing our life doesn't mean that we give up our personality, our uniqueness, our family, our desires, etc. It means we lose our "self at center" focus and our "I am all alone" focus. We can do that because He has given us His Spirit which makes us a "new creation." We are no longer that old person we thought we were. We are forever joined to Him. We don't need improving. We need something else.
It's a radical shift when we begin living HIS life rather than our own.

My name is Julie Kathryn Quest-Brooks. I am a Life Development and Encounter Coach (a/k/a "Jesus Coach").
I help Christians like you learn to live from a "Christ in you" perspective. The goal is to cause a radical shift in how you live, move and have your being, as a believer in Christ.
You may be familiar with the "life coaching" model of asking questions and seeking to draw out what is IN a person. If you are not familiar with life coaching, it's different from counseling and advising. It's more like mentoring but without all the TELLING. Essentially, life coaching is me partnering with you to bring YOU into living as your best self. The difference between me and others is, as a "Jesus coach", I believe your best self is lived in union with Christ.
I will introduce you to a teaching tool that I developed which uses the Biblical images of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, The Tree of Life, and the Cross to give you new language and concepts to help you learn to live from a union perspective.
My goal as a "Jesus coach" is to use coaching tools to get you off that up and down roller coaster ride and onto His "abundant life" path where Jesus becomes YOUR Ultimate Coach - you know, that other kind of coach, the one you find in a game of sports. He sets the agenda, calls the plays, etc. but YOU are the one who is "in the game" called life.
There's WAY more going on in and around your life than you know!
My goal is to help you understand:
Jesus is inviting you to radically shift how you see and engage with Him.
Here are my program details - JESUS IS YOUR LIFE COACH:
You commit to meet with me for a minimum of 3 consecutive months. I've found that 6 months is best to really make an impact but require only 3 months to get started. You will choose at the beginning of our commitment to the session length. The two options are: 4 - 60 minute sessions per month or two - 120 minute sessions per month.
My payment policy:
I fundamentally believe the Scriptural mandate: "freely you have received, freely give away." I also believe that "the worker is worth his wages." Mathew 10:8, 1 Timothy 5:18
How I put these two concepts together is to rely on YOU to freely respond in your giving. So, it's in your discretion to determine how much you pay for my services. I would ask that, in determining your contribution, you factor in: (i) if you can not afford the program, is there someone else that could sponsor this program on your behalf, (ii) what an equally valuable service might cost you (e.g., $100+/hr), and (iii) this program is an investment in YOU. You are worth investing in.
My goal is to find serious believers who really WANT to live the life God has called them to ... but just haven't completely been able to figure out the HOW. I believe my program brings to light the missing component which is, "Christ in you, the hope of glory.". If this describes you are ready to make an investment in yourself and this goal, go HERE for more information and how to contact me directly.
Wow! Let's start with wow! Life changing, life inspiring, and life moving towards transformation. One session is not enough because you will want more and more of this life-giving formula of coaching! I am very thankful for the experience with Coach Julie. -
Dr. Rosalyn L Smith
If you have further questions or would just like to get to know me a bit first, feel free to schedule a 20 minutes free session and we can discuss further. "But I press on that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me." Philippians 3:2