Do you want to discover your "Life Calling"? One of these questions would be a great conversation starter. Schedule your free coaching session Here.
What is God revealing concerning Himself to you? Who He is. His Ways, His Purposes. How is that to be lived out in the now?
How does God normally work with you to get you to move forward? How is He working now?
What qualities of yours have people outside of you affirmed as being Christ like? (e.g, Wow, that’s the Lord!).
What has God been nudging you about in terms of service to others in the season ahead?
What has God been removing from you that has been getting in the way of your living out your calling? Why?
If we are all disciples trained by the Lord individually, what has He been training you for? about? in?
What is it that you love doing that sends you on top of your game? Describe what it feels like to “wax strong in the Lord”.
What are you good at that God wants you to freely give to others? How might what you have (even if it is small) be a starting place for reaching out?
What training and/or skills have been worked within you so they are naturally natural? How might you give them away as a gift to someone that doesn’t have them?
What message, scripture, teaching, do you tend to share with people over and over again? Who needs that message right now?
What is the Lord teaching you about how He works that is opposite from the world? What does that mean concerning his vision for you?
How is God revealing to you that He knows you and accepts you - the good, the bad and the ugly? How might that translate to others around you?
What supernatural gifts from above have you operated in? What was enjoyable about doing so?
Who inspires you? What about their life/ministry do you want to embrace? On the other hand, what about their life/ministry is not “you” and do you need to let go of?
What deep desires are being triggered right now that the Lord is working in you in order to work through you?
What are you empowered, energized, challenged by that is in accord with the nature of Christ? What is your energy level now in regard to that? What do you want to do with it?
What legacies and/or gifts has your family passed onto you? How does the Lord want to work with you in those gifts/legacies? What is He saying about them being passed on?
What dissipates your energy, discourages and/or causes you confusion that you need to stay away from? What keeps you from stepping into God’s vision for your life?
What have you been willing to do without for the sake of Christ and His kingdom? How is that a work of Christ in your life?
What is “anti-Christ” and/or AGAINST who Christ is to you that really gets you mad and makes you want to do something about it?
What experiences and/or roles have you lived in the past that now influence who you identify with?
What does it mean to you that Christ lives “as you” in this world?
What has God brought you through that you just HAVE to tell people about?
What do you believe God created us for, generally? Does that hinder or draw you toward Him and His vision for your life? What needs to be tweaked?
What is someone else calling you into that you don’t feel like is the Lord? What adjustment do you need to make to insure you are heading down the Lord’s path?
If you knew the Lord was next to you right now inviting you to join Him, what would you do differently with what is before you?
What have you learned about how the Lord works with people generally that you could apply to what is before you?
What issue has a hold on you right now? What is the Lord saying about it?
What has God been working/building in you that is ready for revealing?
What are you considering doing? Who are you considering reaching out to?
What is in front of you that is beyond your capacity or outside your comfort zone? If it’s beyond your capacity, what do you have to offer as a starting place trusting that God can work with it (e.g., loaves and fishes-Luke 9)?
What do you want the Lord to say about you in this Season after it’s over?
Who do you see around you that needs the Lord ... that is ripe for harvest? What is He wanting to build in them? How can you serve them? What do you have that they need? What is growing in you towards them?
What is your current sense of Christ’s union with you? Do you feel like He is on the outside or on the inside? How does that impact your sense of His vision for you?
What encounters with the Lord have impacted how you see things ... that provide opportunities to share your testimony with?
What do you dream/fantasize about doing for the Lord? What gifts do you operate in in those dreams?
What weaknesses are underneath your strengths that you need to be mindful of (e.g., strong leaders can be bossy, safe people can fall short of risking)? How can you hold onto the strength while still allowing the Lord to temper the weakness?
What are the types of working environments that you do best in? How has the Holy Spirit come alongside you in these environments to uniquely reveal Himself through you?
What besetting sin that is behind you makes you uniquely qualified to reach a certain people group? What do you deeply understand that connects you with them?